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“Your help to the insight that led to the plan was excellent[…] it was a great session and very helpful to me.”

Entrepreneur, Start-up


“Gabriele was highly skilled at structuring the session without it feeling it had structure at all which was a really positive thing – the session really flowed. […] We had plenty of time to really explore this in detail and I had an ‘ah ha’ moment which Gabriele helped me identify.” 

Director, Big Four Accounting Practice


“I felt Gabriele’s style was exactly the right balance for me: supportive but still challenging. I sometimes felt uncomfortable being open and vulnerable but was able to do this with Gabriele as I felt she genuinely cared about helping me.” 

Regional CFO, Technology Corporate


“My takeaways are clear, concise and realistic. I have started to implement these in my day-to-day and even approached my appraisal (discussed in the session) with an entirely different outlook. This is itself has made the session very successful!” 

Talent Manager, Travel SME


“As a result [of the coaching session] I headed to work with a positive mindset and a clear plan of action. I implemented this plan exactly as we had discussed, and it worked perfectly, so much so that by the end of the day I had a very positive conversation with my manager.”

Head of Communication, FMCG Corporate 


“Thank you very much for taking so much time and care over our coaching session. With a much greater belief in how to prioritise our next steps, I am more motivated than ever!” 

Managing Director, Entrepreneurial Arts Business


“Gabriele had a great balance between allowing me space and providing practical advice and feedback (…) she made me feel supported and listened to at a sensitive time.” 

CTO, Start-up


“The coaching session with Gabriele was excellent, it was well structured and at the right pace, we started by exploring what is important to me and my goals, and we made those goals more specific. I left the session with a list of actions and a plan and came away feeling positive and encouraged.”  

CFO, Internet business

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